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www.AliceHamptonDickerson.com - "Glimmers" Journal on Amazon.com

Glimmers: A Journal to Document Life's Magical Moments Paperback – September 6, 2023

by Alice Hampton Dickerson (Author)

Glimmers are those small, beautiful, and often fleeting instances that bring joy, wonder, or inspiration to our lives.

They are important because they remind us of the beauty that exists in the world and within ourselves.

As memories, they help us build a reservoir of positive emotions and experiences that contribute to our overall wellbeing and outlook on life.

Run This: Draw Up Your Basketball Plays And Share Them With Your Players Paperback – September 10, 2023

by Alice Hampton Dickerson (Author)

This journal contains 50 full and half court basketball diagrams with pages for notes.

www.AliceHamptonDickerson.com - "Run This" Journal on Amazon.com
www.AliceHamptonDickerson.com - "Time To Affirm" Journal on Amazon.com

Time To Affirm: Reset Your Energy Centers With Affirmations Paperback – September 10, 2023

by Alice Hampton Dickerson (Author)

I am - I feel - I do - I love - I speak - I see - I know

The words that complete these prompts can change the trajectory of your current situation.

This journal allows you to study and add to the 40+ affirmations provided to make this an ultra personal tool that will help reset and balance your energy centers.

Speak Truth To Purpose: Communicate Your Intent Without Wavering Paperback – September 2, 2023

by Alice Hampton Dickerson (Author)

The act of writing down intentions transforms them from abstract into concrete. This is a necessary practice for development and achievement.

This journal has over 100 affirmations that will help pave a true and unwavering pathway to clarity.

www.AliceHamptonDickerson.com - "Speak Truth To Purpose" Journal on Amazon.com
www.AliceHamptonDickerson.com - "Next Chapter" Journal on Amazon.com

Next Chapter: Important Questions Retirees Should Answer About Themselves Paperback – September 1, 2023

by Alice Hampton Dickerson (Author)

Entering retirement is a significant life transition that requires careful consideration and planning. Retirees should answer a variety of concerns to ensure they're adequately prepared for this new phase of life.

This journal contains some important questions retirees should answer about themselves as they begin this next chapter.

www.AliceHamptonDickerson.com - "Yellow Inspired Coloring and Collaging Art Journal"  on Amazon.com
www.AliceHamptonDickerson.com - "Orange Inspired Coloring and Collaging Art Journal"  on Amazon.com
www.AliceHamptonDickerson.com - "Red Inspired Coloring and Collaging Art Journal"  on Amazon.com
www.AliceHamptonDickerson.com - "Purple Inspired Coloring and Collaging Art Journal"  on Amazon.com
www.AliceHamptonDickerson.com - "Blue Inspired Coloring and Collaging Art Journal"  on Amazon.com
www.AliceHamptonDickerson.com - "Green Inspired Coloring and Collaging Art Journal"  on Amazon.com
Alice Hampton Dickerson author page link to Amazon.com
www.AliceHamptonDickerson.com - "Chakra Inspired Coloring and Collaging Art Journal"  on Amazon.com


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